Wednesday 13 May 2020

Alfie's Diary

Thank you for all your kind words about ME!   A special thank you to Sophie.  My big mum tells me that you have just started school.  Wow! I think I would be too scared to speak at those googly hangout thingys.  You must be brave Sophie!

Well, talk about a busy day....... yes ...... I have had one!  Here's my first photo, when I woke up this morning my little mum was trying to keep me warm.  It was funny to be down the front of her jumper.

You can see how small I am.  But, I do have to say I am eating like a horse, and I have grown loads since I left my mum.

This is me, doing what I do best, just chilling and having loads and loads of cuddling.

Oh my goodness, I didn't tell you but my little mum is studying at university and sometimes if I'm really quiet and sit still she lets me study with her.  Here I am, watching a lecture online with her.  I'm getting a little bit bored and its time I played with her pen.  She'll probably push me off soon!  I'm not allowed to distract her when she is doing her learning.

This is me, just wanting a cuddle from my little mum.  See how well I can climb now.  I'm clever aren't I?

So, you can see how busy my day was!  I'll write to you tomorrow.



  1. Alfie you have been very busy today, my cat Roxy who is 3 years old does the same things as you do!

  2. Alfie I like when you add your photos to your diary because you are soooooo cute. I wonder what you were learning about today when you were 'helping' Amy with her work? That is really serious learning listening to university lessons. I think I might be like you and after a while start playing with a pen too.

  3. Gosh you hav had lots of photos today Alfie. I think the one of you climbing on your little mum is funny, because you are looking straight at the camera. You must be getting really good at climbing. How is Mowgli?

  4. I think you are a beautiful kitten Alfie and maybe I want one like you. One of my daughters is called Amy too and she would love to have a cat but she is allergic. You are very photogenic, do you know what that means? I bet your big mum and little mum have been very happy to have you come to live with them.


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