Friday, 22 May 2020

Our first week back at school!!

 We have played shops. Aleigha is being a shop keeper and other children are lining up to buy food.
We have played alphabet games with buddies.

We have been learning about shapes in Maths

 We have used fancy scissors to practise our scissor skills.

Friday, 15 May 2020

Aleigha and her mum have made a story

Aleigha and her lovely mum Aimee have been busy creating a very cool story about a Little Penguin coming back to school.

I think Little Penguin is going to have a fabulous time at his school. He will be safe and have fun with his friends.

Well done Little Penguin. 

You look like you are very good at washing your hands and so sensible eating healthy food.

I am excited we are going to see each other on Monday at school just like Little Penguin who will see all his friends.

Paige's science experiments

I had a good idea of doing a rainbow and I love how it turned out.
From Paige

I am so impressed with how you have copied Miss Norris's instructions and made a picture of a rainbow.  I think it turned out exactly right and made a beautiful rainbow. 

Thursday, 14 May 2020

The Poem Star

Hugo has been the most focused poem man. 

I love opening emails from your dad Hugo. 

You make my day with all the learning you do in your house.

Check out this poem. Can you see the rhyming words Hugo has written?


I love that you listen to the video and continue on with your learning.

And there is more mail!!!

Aleigha got her mail too. She was very excited when this arrived.

That happy smile says so much Aleigha. You are definitely a fantastic scientist, and I think seeing your photos has encouraged other children to become scientists too. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Alfie's Diary

Thank you for all your kind words about ME!   A special thank you to Sophie.  My big mum tells me that you have just started school.  Wow! I think I would be too scared to speak at those googly hangout thingys.  You must be brave Sophie!

Well, talk about a busy day....... yes ...... I have had one!  Here's my first photo, when I woke up this morning my little mum was trying to keep me warm.  It was funny to be down the front of her jumper.

You can see how small I am.  But, I do have to say I am eating like a horse, and I have grown loads since I left my mum.

This is me, doing what I do best, just chilling and having loads and loads of cuddling.

Oh my goodness, I didn't tell you but my little mum is studying at university and sometimes if I'm really quiet and sit still she lets me study with her.  Here I am, watching a lecture online with her.  I'm getting a little bit bored and its time I played with her pen.  She'll probably push me off soon!  I'm not allowed to distract her when she is doing her learning.

This is me, just wanting a cuddle from my little mum.  See how well I can climb now.  I'm clever aren't I?

So, you can see how busy my day was!  I'll write to you tomorrow.


The postie must have been busy today

Sophie was so excited to get some mail today and it was from Mrs M! 
Sophie opened it straight away and screamed with joy that it was her certificate and some pencils she is so delighted 😊

I love seeing that smile Sophie! How exciting to get your puppet Sophie and certificate in the mail. One of our values at South Hornby School is "Make Their Day" - and I think Mrs M made your day. Welcome to our school beautiful girl.

Caterpillar shoes

I love seeing all these happy faces at the google hangout today. 

I especially loved talking about one of Mrs M's favourite subjects.......Shoes. 

I'm sad we didn't have enough time to hear all about everyones shoes. They all look very flash.

Some had sparkles on them.
Some had lights.
Some were gold. 
Some had laces. 
Some were made of wood like Mrs Norris' clogs.
Some make you run really fast.

Shoes are so cool.

I love that we all had different shoes to share with each other.

(It was lucky the children were showing their shoes from the safety of their own homes because Mrs M would have tried to sneak her feet into some of them).

This smile is the best

Don't you love to see smiles like this.

I was so excited that Paige got her certificate from our google hangout assembly last week.   

  Her photo puppet had to accept the award last week and then they both hopped in an envelope and travelled to Paige's letter box from my house. I bet they had some adventures on the way. I wonder what it was like to get a ride in a postie's bike. I hope Paige's puppet photo will tell her all about the trip to deliver the certificate to her.

Thank you for sharing Paige. Your smile makes my day.

Beautiful Drawing

Sohpie K has been drawing today, she is very proud of her great work and wanted to share it with us.

These are the people in her family.

The people in your family look very happy Sophie, they all have big smiles. You have done a great job adding details on their clothing. Thank you for sharing for pictures with us.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Hugo's I can list!

Look at all the things Hugo can do!

Hugo, well done you, I love all of your ideas.

You have done so much thinking during lockdown.

We are so looking forward to seeing you and hearing all your news next week.

I hope you are proud of yourself Hugo, you should be!
I love the way that you have put a capital  I for the word I. I also love the fact that you have remembered that a full stop goes at the end of one idea.

Go Hugo!

Elies' Days of the Week Caterpillar

After today's hangout, Elies made a Days of the Week Caterpillar like the one Mrs Parker had.

What a great idea Elies. I love that you carried on your learning after the hangout. 
I think I might make one of these for the wall in our learning space. 

Alfie's Diary

Hi - what a day!  
I've been listening to hammering all day! No sleep for me!  I hope they finish the roof soon!!!!

I'm feeling a little bit grumpy which is not good!

But, the good news is that I have discovered I can climb!  I can climb up on top of the dryer and get Mowgli's food now!  My mum isn't very happy about that.  Hey, nor is Mowgli!

I can also climb all over my little mum.  She seems to think it is quite cute!

My big mum tells me that she is going back to school next week and that she will see all your beautiful faces again.  She sounds very excited about it.

It sounds like there may be some things that are a little different when you go back to school, but she has told me that everyone will have lots of fun things to do.

I haven't got any photos for you today, just my writing.
I'm going to have a little sleep now, so will write to you tomorrow.


Aleigha has written a book

Aleigha has written all about the things she can do.

Her Mum said "It was hard for her to choose what to write because she is so confident about all of the things she can do and thought her book would take too much time to write."


What a fantastic idea, putting this in a book Aleigha! I am super impressed you used a question mark at the end of your title question.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Alfie's Diary

Here I am, I've just woken up and my little mum is giving me a cuddle, well it' more like I'm sunbathing.  I'm so relaxed.

Wow! It's been a huge day for me!  We have had builders at the house, they have been really noisy so I couldn't even have my sleep as normal.  I think I'll sleep really well tonight!

Anyway, here's a photo of me with Mowgli - he wants to sleep - Me - I just want to have fun!

"Come on Mowgli!" that's what I say!  He just gets grumpy with me!

Then I tried to play with my big white friend! Guess what, he has a really long tail and it's just perfect for me to chase and hang off.  Ha Ha!  The big white guy isn't to keen but, hey that doesn't stop me!!!!

Hey, thanks to those people that made a comment on my last diary entry.  Yes, you were right I was sleeping in the shape of a circle.

I'm off to bed now, see you tomorrow.


Fereti's Mother's Day Clip

Fereti chose to make his Mum a video for Mother's Day this year.

Check this out!

Fereti this video made my heart melt.  What a lovely way to show your Mum you love her.

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Adding endings to words

Hugo is incredible! 

On Friday I set a challenge with the poem, alongside illustrating it, I asked if you could challenge yourself to add endings to the word look. 

Look was the word we learnt to write from our poem, to add to our fast words list.

Hugo took up the challenge and sent me a copy of what he did at home.

Hugo you sent me a copy of how confidently you added ing and s to the word look.

Now he has 3 words he can add to his fast words list.

You are going to have such a big list of words you can write with confidence when we get back to school. Well done Mr Superstar.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Good Evening!

Hi - I have had a very busy day today.  I nearly ran outside   I'm not allowed outside because I haven't had all my vaccinations yet!  So, my mum was taking the big white dog for a walk and I ran, really fast, so she didn't see me, into the porch!

Then ...... she saw me, drat!  She picked me up and put me back inside.  I am supposed to be inside for another four weeks at least.  It feels like ages and ages.  I just want to go exploring.

My mum keeps telling me that I need to stay safe and that I am too small to be running around outside by myself.  Well, I think I'm big enough!!!!

I'm still doing lots of sleeping during the day.

So here I am with my little mum, Amy.   I love being warm.  If I snuggle in I can share the warmth from my mum's body and that helps me sleep.

Then the second picture, is me asleep this afternoon.  Hey, can you guess what shape I'm trying to make?  Bet you can't!  Leave a comment if you can.

Hugo, thanks for your question - no I haven't got a collar.  I think maybe when I go outside my mum might get me one but we'll see.  I'll let you know. 

Hope you all had a great day.  Have a great weekend.


Aleigha the amazing card designer!

I love opening emails from you Aleigha. You are amazing and so creative.

Check out the gorgeous cards she made for her beautiful mum for Sunday. 

She isn't feeling 100% today so didn't join us in our hangout but that didn't stop her from still doing the activity.

Aleigha I love your work ethic. You are amazing.

Don't forget to give your gorgeous mum lots of cuddles on Sunday.

We have another scientist

Sophie has been doing some science at home with her big sister too.

This is called Water Fireworks


We really do have a hub of scientists - I love doing experiments too. Sophie you have impressed me with your love of learning, even though you have just turned 5 and started school at this funny learning from home time. 

Aleigha wanted to show us her workspace

Look at this gorgeous space where Aleigha does her work!
She is having a lot of fun learning many different things.


She even made some hands to help her count.


Aleigha you look like you are concentrating very hard with your maths. It is great that you are having fun with your learning. 

Thursday, 7 May 2020

What gorgeous activities!

Paige has been busy today!

Paige's Mum says,

"Today Paige wanted to make something using paper straws, we decided to look on Pinterest and came up with making flowers.  We cut out heart shapes to use as petals and leaves, cut small holes in them and pushed them onto the straw. They look beautiful! I’m sure if you didn’t have paper straws you could find some sticks outside instead. We thought this would be a great gift for Mothers Day."

Paige what gorgeous photos.  My favourite is this one.  You both look so happy!

Your flowers are beautiful Paige - well done to you both and thank you for sharing!

Elies has been doing some science too

Elies and his sister have been learning some science at home.

They made a magic balloon using a glove, some vinegar and baking soda.
Elies was surprised when the baking soda reacted with the vinegar and made a balloon!

And look at this magic plastic bag. When they stuck the pencil into the the bag the water didn't come out!

Here Elies is showing us some Maths.

Elies I am always impressed with the work you are doing at home. How crazy that the water didn't come out when you punctured the bag. I wonder how that works. 
I think we should do some science when we go back to school. What do you think?