- Bees pollinate flowers
- They use their wings to mix the nectar into honey.
- Bees go to lots of flowers to collect nectar before they go back to the hive.
- Bees know how to find their hive.
- We take the honey to put it on our toast or our sandwiches.
- Worker give food to the baby bees.
- Queen bee lives in the hives.
- Bees can fly
- Bees are black and yellow.
- Bees have six legs.
This is the Yr0-1 Learning Community, South Hornby School blog. This will be your go-to place for news and happenings in the Yr0-1 area this year.
Monday, 16 November 2020
Knowledge Web About Bees
Sunday, 1 November 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
Web of Knowledge
Today we made a web of knowledge. Where a child is holding the thread is a place where we could knew something about bees. We are going to do this again after we have done our learning about bees and flowers and see if our web is much bigger.
Monday, 7 September 2020
Ferrymead Visit
We were so lucky to have Ferrymead come all the way to visit us at school.
They came with so many fun things to help us learn more about our inquiry study at the moment.
We got to play with so many toys from the past and even got to create our own toy of the past to take home.
Thank you so much Mrs Gatehouse for organising this fun day for us.
Check out the smiles on our faces. We are so lucky to get to share fun learning days like this together in Te Ope Ruaraki.
Book Character day
Friday was so much fun. We all looked AMAZING.
Check out some of our photos.
Can you spot what some of the Book Characters were, that we came to school as?
It was such a fun day and we celebrated at the end of the day with a big parade so we could see everyone.
We love Writing
Check out the writing from these awesome children. They are so good at writing. We are so flash we have even put some of our writing on the wall in the classroom for everyone to see how great we are.
Monday, 31 August 2020
Work on the Bike Track
We were lucky to be at school when the digger was here to dig up the ground for the bike park!
We watched the men use the digger to scoop the earth and put it in the truck.
Jackson wrote: I can see the digger. It is scooping up the dirt. It looks fun to drive.
Tevita wrote: I can see the digger.
Enzo wrote: I can see the digger digging in the ground.
William wrote: I look at the digger.
Lucas wrote: I can see the digger digging.
Matthew wrote: I can see the digger digging the soil outside the school with the bars.
Paige wrote: I can see the digger and it looked fun.
Ashleigh wrote: I can see the digger.
Hataysia wrote: The digger is digging.
Rory wrote: I can see the digger.
Pyper wrote: I can see the digger putting the dirt in the truck.
Alaynah wrote: The digger is digging.
Sophie wrote: I can see the digger digging the earth.
Violet wrote: I saw the digger digging the dirt.
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Friday, 12 June 2020
Handwriting in the Sun
Friday, 22 May 2020
Our first week back at school!!